Maria Lauer, Violin

accepted at Musikhochschule Karlsruhe

Moritz Gottstein, Violin

accepted in Pre-College RSH Dusseldorf


Jugend Musiziert 2018

Regional Competition:

Duo Piano/Strings

Benjamin Klees (Cello, AG I): 23 Points, 1. Prize

Zoe Buschjost (Violin, AG II): 23 Points, 1. Prize

Moritz Gottstein (Violin, AG IV): 23 Points, 1. Prize

Melina Klees (Violin, AG V): 25 Points, 1. Prize

Special Category

Tabea Klees (Piano, AG IV): 25 Points, 1. Prize

Simon Klees (Viola, AG IV): 25 Points, 1. Prize


Competition North Rhine-Westphalia:

Duo Piano/Strings

Zoe Buschjost (Violin, AG II): 24 Points, 1. Prize

Moritz Gottstein (Violin, AG IV): 21 Points, 2. Prize

Melina Klees (Violin, AG V): 24 Points, 1. Prize

Special Category

Simon Klees (Viola, AG IV): 24 Points, 1. Prize

Tabea Klees (Piano, AG IV): 24 Points, 1. Prize


National Competition

Duo Piano/Strings

Melina Klees (Violin, AG V): 19 Points

Special Category

Simon Klees (Viola, AG IV): 24 Points, 1. Prize + Special Prize

Tabea Klees (Piano, AG IV): 24 Points, 1. Prize + Special Prize




Tonkünstler Competition 2017


Amanda Teubner 21,7/25 Points

Mei Mei Polfers 24,1/25 Points

Jesse Herzog 22,7/25 Points

Nelson Herzog 24,4/25 Points


Simon Klees 24,3/25 Points

Piano accompaniment

Tabea Klees 24,4/25 Points



Tonkünstler Competition Cologne/Aachen

Solo violin

Jesse Herzog, AG Ia: grade 24,3/25

Franziska Moser, AG Ib: grade 21,5/25

Ann-Sophie Kunz, AG Ib: grade 21,8/25

Nelson Herzog, AG Ib: grade 24,1/25

Zoe Buschjost, AG II: grade 25/25

International Grumiaux Competition Belgium

Bella Dubrovina, 3. Prize

Landesjugendorchester NRW

Simon Klees, Viola. Audition winner.

Bundesjugendorchester (National German Youth Orchestra)

Melina Klees, Violin. Audition winner.

Folkwang University Essen

Louisa Hadem, Violine. Passed entrance exam.

Jugend musiziert 2016

Regional Competition

Solo Violin

Jesse Herzog, AG Ia, 24 points., 1. prize

Miraslawa Deodati, AG Ia, 25 points., 1. prize

Zoe Buschjost, AG Ib, 25 points., 1. prize

Nelson Herzog, AG Ib, 22 points., 1. prize

Bella Dubrowina, AG II, 25 points., 1. prize (LW)

Anna-Theresia Hauser, AG III, 25 points., 1. prize (LW)

Moritz Gottstein, AG III, 23 points., 1. prize (LW)

Nancy Farouk, AG IV, 20 points., 2. prize

Melina Klees, AG IV, 23 points., 1. prize (LW)

Maria Lauer, AG IV, 24 points., 1. prize (LW)

Piano accompaniment

Tabea Klees, AG V, 25 points., 1. prize (LW)

Tabea Klees, AG V, 25 points., 1. prize (LW)


Competition of the Deutscher Tonkünstler Verein (DTKV) Köln/Aachen 2015


Jesse Herzog (violin, Ia): 24,5

Miraslawa Deodati (violin, Ia): 22,3

Lina Erberich (violin, Ib): 20



Regional competition

Duo Piano/Strings

Age Group II

Simon Klees, Vla, 1.Preis

Anna Hauser, Vl, 1.Preis

Noemi Rosenthal, Vl, 1. Preis



Ayano Shevlin, Vl, 1.Preis



Melina Klees, Vl, 1. Preis

Ole Bechheim, piano, 1. Preis


Lied with piano


Tabea Klees, piano, 1. Preis



Duo Piano/Strings


Simon Klees, Vla, 3.Preis

Anna Hauser, Vl, 1.Preis

Noemi Rosenthal, Vl, 1. Preis



Ayano Shevlin, Vl, 3.Preis



Melina Klees, Vl, 1. Preis

Ole Bechheim, Piano, 1. Preis


Lied with piano


Tabea Klees, piano, 1. Preis


National Competition (Germany)

Lied with piano


Tabea Klees, Piano, 2. Prize

Duo Piano/Strings


Melina Klees, Vl, Ole Bechheim, Piano, 3.Prize


Benni Landmann,Violin

Accepted to Musikhochschule Cologne, Jazz Program

Jonathan Hennig, Violin

Accepted to Musikhochschule Cologne, Teaching Program


Competition of the „Deutsche Tonkünstlerverband“ (DTKV)

Köln/Aachen 2014


  1. Herzog (Violine, Ia): 24,1
  2. Buschjost (Violine, Ib): 24,2
  3. Edelmann (Violine, III): 20,3
  4. Farouk (Violine, III): 21,8
  5. Wonschik (Violine, III): 19,8
  6. Kostovic (Violine, V): 23,7


State NRW Youth Orchestra:

Tabea Klees, Cello

 Jonathan Hennig, Violine : Scholarship Eastern Music Festival, NC, USA

Johanna Busse, Violine : Accepted to University of North Carolina ( www.uncsa.edu )

Class of Prof. Bieler


State NRW Youth Orchestra: Aurelie Landmann 1. Violine


„Jugend Musiziert“ 2014

Regional Competition

Age group II

String ensemble: Melina Klees, Violin, Simon Klees, Viola, Fabienne Thiel, Cello 1.Prize

Age group IV Contemporary music: Tabea Klees, Piano, Alissa Giani, Violin 1. Prize

State Competition: 

Age group II

String ensemble: Melina Klees, Violine, Simon Klees, Viola, Fabienne Thiel, Cello  2. Prize

Age group IV

Contemporary music: Tabea Klees, Piano Alissa Giani, Violine 1. Prize


National Competition

Agegroup IV

Contemporary music: Tabea Klees, Piano, Alissa Giani, Violine 19 Points




State NRW Youth Orchestra: Ana Kostovic, Violin

Aurelie Landmann, Violin : Accepted to University of North Carolina

youth dep. Class of Prof. Bieler



Competition of the „Deutsche Tonkünstlerverband“ 2013:

Noemi Rosenthal 23,7 /25

Ana Kostovic 22,7 /25

Melina Klees 24,6 /25


„Jugend Musiziert“ 2013

Regional Competition

Age group I Violin solo: Noemi Rosenthal, 1. Prize

Viola solo: Simon Klees, 1. Prize

Ageg roup II  Violin solo: Melina Klees, 1. Prize

Nancy Farouk, 1. Prize

Jasmin Edelman, 1. Prize

Age group III Violin solo & Baroque Music: Johanna Bleyer, 1. Prize

Violin solo: Aurelie Landmann, 1. Prize

Age group IV Violin solo: Sina Gottschlich, 1. Prize

Ana Kostovic, 1. Prize

Leona Cuni, 2. Prize

Violine solo & Chamber music: Jonathan Hennig, 1. Prize

State Competiton NRW

Agegroup II

Violin solo: Melina Klees, 2. Prize Accompaniment: Tabea Klees, 2. Prize

Agegroup III Violin solo: Johanna Bleyer, 2. Prize

Aurelie Landmann, 2. Prize

Baroque Music: Tabea Klees, 1. Prize

Agegroup IV Violin solo: Sina Gottschlich, 1. Prize

Jonathan Hennig, 3. Prize & Chambermusic 2. Prize

National Competition

Agegroup III Baroque Music (Cembalo): Tabea Klees, 3. Prize

Agegroup IV Violin solo: Sina Gottschlich, 3. Prize